The relations of the mandibular canal with the outer surfaces of the body of the mandible and the risks which arise from its injury (Article in French)


  • O Obradović Clinique de Chirurgie Orale, Faculté de Stomatologie, Belgrade, Yougoslavie
  • D Bogdanović
  • V Pesić
  • V Petrović
  • B Pejković


span style="font-size: 12px; line-height: 14px" class="Apple-style-span"The investigations of relations and position of the mandibular canal (CM) were carried out on 80 mandibles (33 dentulous, 27 partly edentulous and 20 completely edentulous). The studies of relations of CM to the sides of mandibular body were accomplished by morphometric analysis of CM on consecutive transversal sections of mandibular body (54 preparations). The relation of the CM to be buccal or to the lingual side is expressed as the distance from the surface of the correspondent side of the mandibular body, which is shown in Table 1. According to these data, the position of the canal is at first proximate to the lingual side, and from the first molar tooth (M1) it approaches the buccal surface of the mandibular body. The position of the entire CM was determined by analysis of mandibular preparations (26) after removing the buccal osseous lamina. These investigations revealed that the position of the CM is predominantly buccal. Reconstruction of relations of the CM to the sides of mandibular body, according to the data obtained from transversal sections, and the real position of the CM are presented in Scheme I. The difference in direction lines of relations and of predominant position of the CM is a consequence of morphological characteristics of mandibular body./span






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