About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Clivatge is a continuous publication journal which is published by yearly issues in electronic format. It includes papers, book reviews and testimonies of groups and movements affected by conflict and social change. Its focus, then, is on the publication of studies and testimonies of conflict and social change. The journal is published in Barcelona in collaboration with the Observatory of Social Conflict, an entity member of a research group at the University of Barcelona focused on the study of social conflict and change.

Clivatge gives precedence to scholarly works. Contributions to the journal are expected to display academic rigor, use of argumentation and respect for the opinions of others. Additionally, the journal includes (in its "Testimonies" section) selections of primary/secondary sources and testimonies by the protagonists of the social conflicts and changes specifically dealt with in a particular issue; these are usually preceded by a Presentation by the members of the Observatory in charge of this section. Finally, it includes reviews of books which are considered relevant for its general subject matter, namely, social conflict and change. Besides, calls for papers are periodically launched for the coordination of monographs on topics related to change and social transformation.

Clivatge publishes articles which deal with the progress in knowledge of social change and social conflict. Published papers can be both highly specialized and interdisciplinary, and they may be connected to the different theories, methods and approaches present in the several disciplines which make up the Social Sciences (mainly Sociology, Economics, History, Political Science, Geography, Anthropology) and the Humanities (Philosphy, Philosphy of Law).

Thematically, the journal specializes in the research of present and past social change and, when it is relevant for the case under study, its links to the conditions and spaces of social conflict in which such change takes places.

Journal History

Journal Clivatge was founded in 2012 by Maria Trinidad Bretones, Salvador Aguilar and Jaime Pastor within the framework of the Observatory of Social Conflict attached to the research group Center for Studies on Culture, Politics and Society. In 2013, Joan Quesada, Sandra Vera, Marcelo Salas, Carlos Andrés Charry and Juan Andrés Linio joined the editorial team as well. In 2020, Jordi Bonet i Martí, Clara Camps Calvet, Liz Rincón and Arkaitz Letamendia bacame part of the editorial team. In 2021 the magazine changes to the continuous publication model.

Publication Frequency

Articles are published continuously as they are approved and are collected into annual volumes comprising contributions from January to  March.

Peer Review Process

All scientific articles published in this journal are subject to the peer review process. Book reviews, testimonies and monograph editorials are not included in the evaluation process.

The evaluation process of contributions is carried out confidentially under the double blind peer review system, after an initial evaluation by the Editorial Committee.

To submit contributions, authors must register on the journal’s website and use its submission system, which facilitates unbiased and objective assessment. The Editorial Board will confirm the appropriateness of the received papers and will assign them an editor or editing team. Papers submitted by academics from any institution will be sent to external referees for consideration.

Contributions must comply with the editorial policies and guidelines included in the About section on the journal’s website. Additionally, authors must file in a statement declaring that their contributions are original and previously unpublished, and they are not currently undergoing any other processes of assessment. On submitting a paper, the author assents to the terms stated in the Copyright Notice.

After submitting an article, authors receive a confirmation e-mail. They will receive a response to their application for publication within a month.  Previously, two external reviewers, not affiliated with the same institution as the autor and with recognized experience in the proposed subject will assess their contributions valuing the following elements:

  1. Subject matter relevance,
  2. Clarity and appropriateness of the paper’s title, abstract and keywords,
  3. Subject’s approach and/or argument development,
  4. Relevance and/or originality of the proposed contribution, and
  5. Appropriateness of the article’s references, methodology and critical apparatus.

If the reviewers recommendation is not conclusive, the Editorial Board will assign the paper to a third reviewer, whose decision will be final. In the event that an article is not accepted, it will be communicated to the author or authors as quickly as possible. All submitted papers will receive an answer with a final decision concerning publication based on the described evaluation process.

Open Access Policy

This is an open access journal, which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking for prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Users do not need to register to access the complete contents of the journal; however, registration is required to submit contributions or to volunteer one’s services as paper reviewer.

Clivatge does not charge APC (Article Processing Charges) or requires any other payments from its authors or its readers for accessing the complete contents of the journal or submitting original papers for assessment.

Conditions of pre-print self-archiving: Prior to final publication, it is advisable for authors to store their preprint version on their personal and institutional websites, scientific social networks, repositories, bibliographic managers... The preprint version must include the following statement: 'This is the electronic version of an article accepted for publication in CLIVATGE [issue/year], now available online on the official website through its DOI'. Once published, the authors must specify: 'This is the electronic version of an article published in CLIVATGE [issue/year]. The final version is available on the official website on the date indicated in the preprint, through its DOI'.

Conditions of post-print self-archiving: Authors are allowed to reuse published works, i.e. the post-print (final PDF version of the publisher) can be archived for non-commercial purposes, and authors are strongly recommended to deposit it in:

    • Social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn…).
    • Institutional repository of your University and public repositories (Mendeley, RACO, SocArXiv…).
    • Scientific social networks (ResearchGate, Academia.edu, Kudos...).
    • Personal or institutional website, blog, etc.
    • Google Scholar, ORCID, ResearchID, ScopusID, Dimensions, Plum

Digital file preservation policy

This journal is part of the Public Knowledge Project's Private LOCKSS Network (PKP-PLN), which generates a decentralized archiving system, distributed among collaborating libraries, in order to create permanent archives of the journal for the preservation of original contents and their restoration if necessary.


In addition, this journal implements various processes aimed at guaranteeing the permanent accessibility of the digital objects that it houses on its own servers:

     - Digital preservation metadata.

     - Use of DOI. - Use of Crossref.

     - Use of DOAJ.

Declaration of publishing ethics and best practices

Clivatge subscribes to the Declaration of publishing ethics and best practices for scientific journals published by the University of Barcelona.

The University of Barcelona promotes the open access publication of digital journals and endeavours to guarantee quality and conscientiousness in the transfer of scientific knowledge. The University is committed to ensuring that the articles it publishes and the publishing process itself observe the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). It is therefore essential that all of the stakeholders in this process—journal editors,reviewers, technical editors and authors—know and act according to the Code.

Journal editors should:

- ensure that the decision to publish is not dependent on the author’s race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, country of origin, citizenship or political persuasion;

- publish regular updates on the responsibilities of authors, submission requirements, the arbitration system used to select the articles and the evaluation criteria to be applied by reviewers;

publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed and not make use of any article received for UB-specific research assignments without the author’s consent;

- guarantee confidentiality during the review process, meaning (a) the anonymity of reviewers and authors and the confidentiality of the content of the articles, the reports submitted by reviewers and any other type of correspondence with or between the editorial, consultant and scientific committees and (b) confidentiality in the correspondence between the author and the journal committees or reviewers when the author wishes to clarify, change or complain about some aspect of the article;

- make certain that the integrity of articles already published is respected;

- act swiftly to eliminate from the journal or refuse to publish any article that has been found to plagiarise information from other sources.

Authors should

- understand that they are responsible for all submitted content;

- notify the journal editors of any errors in their published articles so that the appropriate corrections can be made;.

- guarantee that the article and associated materials are original and do not infringe on the rights of third-party authors and, when there are co-authors, guarantee that the consent of all the authors is obtained before the article goes to press.

Reviewers and technical editors should

- apply revisions that are objective, informed, critical, constructive and unbiased, where acceptance or rejection is based only on the work’s relevance, originality, interest to the public in question and compliance with the style and content regulations in the evaluation criteria;

- meet deadlines when this is possible and promptly inform the journal editor when it is not;

- avoid sharing, spreading or reproducing any information from articles still under review without permission from the corresponding journal editors or authors.

Creative Commons

The articles will be published under the Creative Commons Attribution license, which allows the work to be shared with third parties, provided that they acknowledge its authorship, its initial publication in this journal, and the license conditions.

The content of the journal is subject to the Attribution (BY) license, so it is allowed to share (copy and distribute the material in any medium or format) and adapt (remix, transform and create from the material) for any purpose provided that authorship is properly acknowledged, a link to the license is included, and it is indicated if any changes have been made.

The authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms

  1. The authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication of the work, which will be disseminated following the Creative Commons Attribution License.
  2. Authors are free to establish additional independent contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in the journal (such as publication in an institutional or thematic repository, their personal website or a book), provided that its initial publication in this journal is recognized.
  3. Texts will be published under a Creative Commons Attribution License CC By 4.0.
  4. Self-archiving of pre-print and post-print versions is allowed.

Interoperability Protocols

This journal provides an interface OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) that allows other websites and information services to harvest the published content metadata.


OAI-PMH Protocol Version 2.0
Dublin Core Metadata

URL for harvesters:
