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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor has it been previously submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in "Comments to the editor").
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word (doc) or odt format
  • URLs have been provided for references wherever possible
  • Text is single spaced, uses 12-point Cambria font, and italicizes instead of underlining (except for URLs). The position in which all the illustrations, figures and tables are located [figure 1], [table1] has been indicated. Those should not be located at the end of the text.
  • For submissions to the peer-reviewed sections in the journal, the instructions in the section "How to ensure a blind review" have been followed.
  • Figures (graphics, images and photographs) are sent in a separate file from the main one whose weight does not exceed 250 kb.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, anonimize the text by substituting the citation of your own work with "anonimized" instead of your name, as any other reference that could directly identify the authors. For example "As we showed in previous research (anonimized, 2010)".

Author Guidelines

Basic protocol for publication requests

  1. CLIVATGE is a yearly electronic journal which publishes articles, book reviews and testimonies by groups and movements affected by social conflict and change. It is published in Barcelona by the Observatory of Social Conflict, an association linked to a research group in the University of Barcelona, and, as stated by its subtitle, its main goal is to present "studies and testimonies of social conflict and change".
  2. The periodicity of the magazine is currently annual.
  3. The materials selected for publication in will be subjected to a peer review process
  4. CLIVATGE gives precedence to scholarly papers. We expect the submitted papers to display due rigor, use of argumentation and respect for other people's opinions. As a matter of principle, and also as part of our methodological toolbox, the members of the Observatory (as well as, we hope, all the papers and analyses submitted to the editor of Clivatge) adhere to Barrington Moore's dictum: "For all students of human society, sympathy with all the victims of historical processes and skepticism about the victors' claims provide essential safeguards against being taken in by the dominant mythology. A scholar who tries to be objective needs these feelings as part of his ordinary working equipment."

As a complement, the journal publishes selections of documents and testimonies by the protagonists of the social conflicts and changes on which its attention is focused. Normally, these are preceded by a presentation by one of the members of the Observatory, namely, the person in charge of coordinating such document portfolios. Finally, Clivatge also includes reviews of recently published books which are relevant to its general theme: conflict and social change.


Checklist for preparing submissions

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check that their submission meets all the elements shown below. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to their authors.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor has it been previously submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in "Comments to the editor").
  2. An author may not have more than one article under evaluation at the same time.
  3. The submission file is in Microsoft Word (.doc) or .odt format
  4. The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for authors, which can be found in About the journal.
  5. Text is single-spaced, uses 12-point Cambria font, and italicizes instead of underlining (except for URLs). All illustrations, figures and tables are numbered and located in the position that corresponds to them, and not at the end of the text.
  6. Make a pre-reading of the text to detect possible errors.
  7. For submissions to the peer-reviewed sections in the journal, the instructions in the section "How to ensure a blind review" have been followed.
  8. DOI references have been added where they exist.
  9. URLs have been provided for references wherever possible and DOI was not available.
  10. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, anonimize the text by substituting the citation of your own work with "anonimized" instead of your name, as any other reference that could directly identify the authors. For example "As we showed in previous research (anonimized, 2010)".

Indications for the formal presentation of texts

Language: Spanish, Catalan, English.


a) Text in 12-point Cambria typeface;

b) Separate quotations in the text in Cambria 11-point font;

c) Footnotes in Cambria 10.

Length: Between 7,000 and 10,000 words per article, although exceptionally an extension outside this range may be admitted.

Articles must comply with APA standards and it is recommended that they follow the CUB linguistic criteria (University of Barcelona criteria) when they do not conflict with these standards.

The approach to the topics discussed should not lose sight of the fact that, since the texts are read by very diverse audiences and in very diverse countries, the writing should be as pedagogical and understandable for these varied audiences as possible. It is possible to resort to the support of an annexed or integrated Chronology, as it has just been indicated, or to the use of footnotes to clarify names and linguistic uses and similar procedures.

Papers dealing with conflict episodes are recommended to contain a Chronology of their deployment, when appropriate or deemed appropriate. They can be of two types: short (incorporated where suotable for content reasons, in the middle of the text, in whole or redacted format) or long (incorporated into the text as an Annex or as an item outside the article, following the guidelines of the Yearbook Chronology 2011 on the Arab revolutions, pp. 26-42). The latter serves as a model for the way to visually present the Chronology data in both cases (incorporated into the article; or separately or in an annex). In general, chronologies (short or long) should be developed in the format of a Word table with two columns (one for date and one for event) and as many rows as reported events.

ANUARI del CONFLICTE SOCIAL maintains an anti-plagiarism policy to guarantee the originality of all manuscripts through the use of specialized anti-plagiarism software (URKUND). This policy makes it possible to ensure standards of originality in this journal and to detect coincidences and similarities between the texts sent for publication and those previously published in other sources.

At the beginning of the article: metadata

Title in the language of the article and in English (maximum 15 words in each language).
At the beginning of each article, there will be an abstract of the content between 7 and 10 lines long, at least in one of the three languages used by Clivatge: Catalan (abstract), Spanish (abstract) and English (abstract); and then a few keywords, between 3 and 5.
Of these, 3 of them must be derived from
They should be separated by ";" (semicolon), with an initial capital letter and without a final period. If you cannot find sufficiently precise keywords for your article, please strive for the closest ones, as they will be verified during the correction.

Information regarding the authors: full name, university / institution and email. Next to each of the authors and at the foot of the page, a biographical note of the author or authors of about 3-5 lines per person should be placed.

The body of the article

All titles and subtitles must be clearly numbered, so that the title level is clearly identified, eg. 1. Introduction; 2.3. XXXXX; 4.5.2. XXXXXX, up to a maximum of 3 levels of title. Automatic numbering need not be used.
If you want to add acknowledgments or mention the financing source, add it at the end of the article, before the references, and with a different title for each case: “acknowledgments” and / or “financing”; they should not appear as a footnote.
Literal quotations will be enclosed in quotation marks within the text. Literal quotations that have more than 40 words must be made in a separate paragraph with an indentation of 5 spaces or 0.5cm from the left side in the entire paragraph.
The literal quotations must indicate the page, with the structure:
(Author, year, p. Xxx). If it is a web citation, without pages, please indicate the paragraph number (para. Xxx) or the name of the section. Structure: (Author, year, section “section name”).
Tables and figures (drawings, graphic maps, photographs, etc.) must be numbered and have a short descriptive title. They should always be refered to in the body of the text by their number (eg, See table 1), and not by their position (do not use: in the next / previous figure). They must have a title and the footer must include data sources. Tables and figures must be sent in their original format (Excel file, png, jpg, etc.)
References to empirical material such as interviews or field journal entries should have the following structure, at each occurrence of verbatim quotations (Identifier, technique name, date). Examples: (Amanda, personal interview, May 2018) (Juan, focus group 1, July 2019) (Field diary entry, December 2020) (Interviewee 3, personal interview, March 2019). This type of material is not included in the list of references, only in the manner indicated in the body of the text.
Tables indicating interview information, discussion group information or information about other techniques will be added at the end of the article.

Bibliographic references

Both the bibliographic references and the bibliography should be consigned at the end of the article.
References will follow APA 7 style standards. Since the seventh version is new, we shall accept works complying with version 6. These will be adapted to the newest version in the correction process.

Some examples of how to reference are:

Journal article

Tarrow, Sidney y Meyer, David S. (2018). Partecipazione e conflitto11 (3), 614-645. DOI:


Della Porta, Donatella & Diani, Mario. (2011). Los movimientos sociales. (1era ed.). Editorial Complutense.

Book chapter

McAdam, D. (2018). Putting Donald Trump in Historical Perspective: Racial Politics and Social Movements from the 1960s to Today. En David. S. Meyer and Sidney Tarrow (Eds.), The Resistance: The Dawn of the Anti-Trump Opposition Movement (pp. 27-53)Oxford University Press. 

It is essential that the following exceptions apply in the list of references and in the citation in the body of the text :.

  1. All references must include the first names of the authors, as well as of the editors in the case of book chapters.
  2. When references are cited in the body of the text outside the parentheses, the authors first name must appear at least on the first time of mention.
  3. In the case of translated works or works for which there is an edition prior to the one used, both the year of the original edition and that of the edition used must be specified as follows: (original year / year used edition).

References to scientific articles must include the DOI code, following this format: That is, each DOI must include the prefix "" accordingly. so that it can be accessed as a URL. Note that the DOI number is preceded by “” and does not have a full stop. Do not use "DOI:". In the case of articles in electronic version that have a DOI, the URL (the address of the page) and the date of consultation are not included. In the case of articles that do not have a DOI, the URL and the consultation date must be included. 
It is necessary to "activate the links" of the references (DOI and webs): adding a space after it, word / libreoffice do this automatically.

Ensuring a Blind Peer Review

To ensure the integrity of the blind review of the submission made by experts for this journal, every effort is needed to prevent the identity of the authors and reviewers from being known to them. This involves authors, editors, and reviewers (who upload documents as part of their review) reviewing whether the following steps were taken for the text and file properties:

  1. The authors of the document have removed their names from the text, using "Author" and year in the references and in the footnotes, instead of the author's name, article title, and so on.
  2. With Word documents, the identity of the author must also be removed from the file's properties. Once the document is finished, select from the folder, the file> right button> Properties> Details> Select "Remove properties and personal information"> Select "Remove the following properties from this file"> Select "Authors", "Saved by" and any section where author information may appear> Accept

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Office of the General Secretary of the University of Barcelona


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