The reviewable life sentence. An approach to a dehumanized criminal law


  • Laura Pascual Matellán


reviewable life sentence, re-socialization, human rights, sentence, Spanish Constitution


The proposed introduction of reviewable life sentence in our Criminal Code is one of the most important changes in the Reform Project the Government intends to implement. This would imply a return to the legal codifications in place during the XIX century. This sentence would conflict with the existing articles 25.2 and 15 of the Spanish Constitution by violating the legal end of the sentence: the re-education and re-socialization of the delinquents, and it would breach too the prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatments.

We would be facing an unconstitutional and dehumanized measure with no other end than that of seeking electoral gain.


How to Cite

Pascual Matellán, L. (2015). The reviewable life sentence. An approach to a dehumanized criminal law. Clivatge. Journal of Studies on Social Conflict and Change, (3). Retrieved from