6. Urban Rehabilitation Areas in Zaragoza: Notion, Correspondence to Planning Legislation and Selection Criteria


  • Ana Ruíz
  • Pilar Alfaro


Urban vulnerability, 7/2015 Urban Planning and Rehabilitation Act, Housing Program, Integrated urban regeneration.


Zaragoza has an extensive experience in urban rehabilitation. It has turned into a referent when talking about housing economic policies applied to urban space. This work analyses the grade of convenience of such policies by identifying the criteria that have been applied in order to determine the existence of areas in the city that are prone to urban rehabilitation interventions. The research also focusses on the correspondence to current planning legislation. Findings suggest that selection of such criteria is not clearly determined and, hence, it provides a complementary approach attending the adaptability degree of the variables that characterize vulnerability.




How to Cite

Ruíz, A., & Alfaro, P. (2017). 6. Urban Rehabilitation Areas in Zaragoza: Notion, Correspondence to Planning Legislation and Selection Criteria. Clivatge. Journal of Studies on Social Conflict and Change, (5). Retrieved from https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/clivatge/article/view/18608