Researching the demand for sexual services and not giving up

Notes from a doctoral student's notebook on gender key




Prostitution, Masculinity, Gender-crossed, Social Research, Thesis


Payment for sexual services is a practice that has recently aroused interest in feminist research, however, the task of investigating men and learning about their discourses, being a woman, entails a series of difficulties and peculiarities that are worth reporting. This article aims to illustrate the experience of a doctoral student throughout the process: the approach to the discourses on paid sex of different men living in the Balearic Islands, the subsequent development and dissemination of results and the response obtained after the first presentation of results.


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How to Cite

Martin Martin, P. (2023). Researching the demand for sexual services and not giving up: Notes from a doctoral student’s notebook on gender key. Clivatge. Journal of Studies on Social Conflict and Change, (11), e–42011.



Monográfico metodología feminista en investigaciones de tesis doctoral