The intonation of information-seeking absolute interrogatives in Madrid Spanish



intonation, absolute interrogatives, Spanish, Basque, language contact


Romera and Elordieta (2019) and Elordieta and Romera (2020) reported that most information-seeking absolute interrogatives in the variety of Spanish spoken in the Basque Country have a rising-falling circumflex final contour. Basque has falling final contours in absolute interrogatives. Applying the same methodology, this paper shows that most information-seeking absolute interrogatives in Madrid Spanish end in a high rising configuration. The results of this research strengthen the hypothesis proposed by Romera and Elordieta (2019) and Elordieta and Romera (2020) that the variety of Spanish spoken in the Basque Country shows influence from Basque.


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How to Cite

Elordieta, G., & Romera, M. (2020). The intonation of information-seeking absolute interrogatives in Madrid Spanish. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 29, 195–213. Retrieved from


