A computing tool for the dialectometric analysis of prosody
cluster analysis, correlation, dialectometry, prosodic distance, MDS, AMPER projectAbstract
This paper presents a computing tool, developed with the statistical software R, which allows a user to perform a dialectometric analysis of the prosodic data in the fixed corpus collected in the AMPER project. Since no previous knowledge about using R is assumed, this tool can be used by any user interested in such studies. The dialectometric analysis that is performed includes calculation of correlations between F0 curves and of prosodic distances between different locations covered by the corpus (for speakers or any other variable). Once the table of prosodic distances has been generated, the user can then apply multivariate statistical techniques to it, such as multidimensional scaling (MDS) and cluster analysis. The latter allows the user to detect the existence of clusters of locations (by speaker or another variables) according to their closeness in terms of prosodic distance.
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