The prosody of Spanish yes-no questions: analysis of the variety in Madrid
prosody, yes-no questions, Madrilean SpanishAbstract
This paper analyses the prosodic features that characterize yes-no questions in the variety of Spanish spoken in Madrid. In order to accomplish this objective we will analyze a part of the Devís Herraiz corpus (2008)[1]. The objective of this study is to compare such data with previous descriptions of Madrilenian Spanish in order to improve the description of the prosodic features of this type of questions. Our theorical and methodological framework is the Autosegmental Metric Theory (AM). This study provides both a phonetic and a phonological analysis of the sentences of the corpus. The phonological analysis allows for comparison with the results of previous researches about Madrilenian Spanish.
[1] Corpus developed for the performance of the Ph.D. thesis entitled «The prosodic interfe-rence between L1 and L2: two varieties of Italian and Spanish in comparison».
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