Interrogativas absolutas: relación entre F0, duración e intensidad
intonation, stress and position, syntax, morphology, pitch accent, boundary tonesAbstract
In previous works we have shown that the F0 is related to the syntagmatic structure, at least in the pretoneme of the Canarian interrogatives, because the tonal peaks contribute to demarcate the strong boundaries (between the NP –noun phrase– and the VP –verb phrase–) and/or weak boundaries (between the head and the expansion). In the toneme, however, the tonal peak is related more closely to the accentual structure, because it is aligned invariably with the tonic syllable, that is, with the last, penultimate or antepenultimate syllable, in oxytons, paroxytons and proparoxytons end, respectively. Our aim is to verify if this function also extends to other parameters like the duration or the intensity, in the pretoneme and the toneme of the interrogative utterances without expansion and with expansion in the NP –noun phrase– and the PP –prepositional phrase–.
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