Análisis de la melodía: oraciones simples vs. compuestas



The aim of the following research is to compare the melody (the Fundamental Frequency or F0) in a set of simple conclusion and no conclusion sentences, of compound copulative and adversative clauses and of conditional and causal subordinated clauses. These sentences have been chosen at random and taken from semispontaneus speech by 43 middle-high or high level informants, from the very principal cities of the Canary Islands. Our interest has centred on the final inflexion (tonema) and the direction of the F0 on three declination lines planned from the initial point to the arrival one of the F0 curves (D1), and from the Turning points: the Topline (D2) and the Baseline or Bottom line (D3). The acoustic analysis was carried out with the CSL 4300 of Kay Elemetric Co.


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How to Cite

Dorta, J., Hernández, B., & Torres, M. I. . (2003). Análisis de la melodía: oraciones simples vs. compuestas. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 12, 11–59. Retrieved from




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