Las consonantes fricativas de la lengua gallega


  • Sabela Labraña Barrero Universitat de Barcelona


articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonetics, fricatives


The set of fricative sounds of Galician includes a wide range of areas of articulation, from the lips to the glottis. Although the standard variety has only anterior fricatives [ ] [ ] y central fricatives [ ]2, other fricatives -such as dental [ and laminal [s]- are characteristic of the dialects of Western Galicia. In addition to this, in the same Western areas there are posterior fricative realizations, among the pharyngeal -which is the most common- alternates with the velar [x], the uvular and even the glottal. In this article we shall analyse the descriptions suggested by several authors and we shall compare them with the results of researches about the acoustic features of such sounds. We shall then be able to ascertain to which extent the articulatory description is confirmed by acoustic analysis.


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How to Cite

Labraña Barrero, S. (2009). Las consonantes fricativas de la lengua gallega. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 18, 193–213. Retrieved from




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