La relevancia del tono intrínseco de las vocales en la entonación
micro-melodic variations, intrinsic pitch of vowels, intonationAbstract
Fundamental frequency (F0) is responsible of intonation and stress, in addition to some variations related with the influence of the specific configuration of segmental units. This article offers an evaluation of micro-melodic variations of vowels and explores its repercussion on the pitch contour. A phonetic experiment is offered in which the intrinsic pitch (F0I) is measured in a controlled context, taking into consideration the following variables: initial stressed position, final stressed position, pre-stressed position, and post-stressed position, as well as sentence modality (assertive or interrogative). Results moderately corroborate the universalistic theory of micro-melodic variation concerning the intrinsic pitch of vowels and they evidence the modest effect of this contour on the flow of intonation.
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