La sonoritat en les fricatives intervocàliques poloneses



polish fricatives, voicing, glottal articulation


This work is a study of voicing in Polish intervocalic fricative consonants. The acoustic study has been realized using a CSL system by which can be simultaneously observed a waveform, a spectrogram, the glottal wave, and glottal impulses. It has been established that these fricatives can appear in four voicing patterns. They have been correlated to variable factors such as the fricative’s place of articulation, its underlying voicing, its position with respect to the accent of the word in which it appears, its position within the word, the height of the following vowel, and the length of the fricative. Analysis of the results has shown variations in the glottal behavior in these fricatives due to their particular place of articulation, underlying voicing, the height of the subsequent vowel, and the relation between the length of the fricative and its glottal behavior. A difference in duration is observed between /-voice/ fricatives and those /+voice/ completely devoiced.


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How to Cite

T. Szmidt, D. ., & Castellví Vives, J. (2009). La sonoritat en les fricatives intervocàliques poloneses. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 18, 379–400. Retrieved from




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