Pico tonal, acento y fronteras morfo-semánticas: experimento con hablantes granadinos



This work belongs to the AMPER project for Eastern Andalusia. The intonation in laboratory speech is analyzed within a corpus extracted from the Castilian “fixed” corpus of AMPER-Spain, which contains declarative SVO utterances, with and without adjective expansion of the subject, and with different stress distributions. The speakers were two young females from Granada. The F0 of each syllable has been calculated, extracting the mean values of the three repetitions. The results prove that, in this dialect, there is no alignment between tonal peaks and stressed syllables, but rather between tonal peaks and morphological, syntactic and semantic boundaries.


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How to Cite

Pamies Bertrán, A., & Amorós Céspedes, M. C. (2005). Pico tonal, acento y fronteras morfo-semánticas: experimento con hablantes granadinos. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 14, 201–223. Retrieved from https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/experimentalphonetics/article/view/44492


