Towards a phonetic history of the voices of Spanish poets

A first experimental study on the Generation of ’27




phonetics, poetry reading, statistics, Generation of '27, voices of Spanish poets


How does the voice of a poet sound? Poetry reading, an essential component of this art, represents interesting material for phonetic studies. However, it remains an under-researched topic. This work attempts to go beyond the state of the art, providing an experimental analysis of some voices of the Generation of ’27, aiming to mark the first step towards a phonetic history of the voices of Spanish poets. This research, which employs a qualitative phonetic approach and a statistical approach, has brought to light some principal elements. These include variation as a consistent element among authors and within a single author, enabling the detection of main features and sub-groups; common features marking a global grouping; and the possible variety and criticism of clusters, revealing the complexity of this speech and the effectiveness of our model to describe it.


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How to Cite

Colonna, V., Pamies Bertrán, A., & Damato, S. (2024). Towards a phonetic history of the voices of Spanish poets: A first experimental study on the Generation of ’27. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 33, 7–34.


