Acoustic phonetics: Notes on the evolution of /ti̯, ki̯/ yod contexts in Spanish
historical phonetics, /ti̯, ki̯/ yod contexts, acoustic phonetics, assibilation, sibilant voicingAbstract
The explanation for the evolution of /ti̯/ and /ki̯/ yod contexts has been based on articulatory reasons. However, sound change has an important auditory and acoustic basis. This paper deals with two main topics: (a) it examines the confluence of the phonetic realisations of dental and velar stops in /ti̯/ and /ki̯/, and (b) it seeks to determine whether voicing occurs after the assibilation process. The results show that the allophones for /t/ and /k/ display acoustic similarities regarding point of articulation cues, which could explain misperceptions. Voicing also seems to be very frequent in these phonetic realisations, which points to a process simultaneous with assibilation.
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