The Revolution is History: Filming the Past in Mexico and Cuba


  • John Mraz Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (México)


As is their nature, social revolutions in Mexico and Cuba dramatically altered the lives of millions.1 During the «effervescent» periods which followed the uprisings's triumphs, political and socioeconomic transformation bettered the lot of most people, and cultural creativity flourished; unfortunately, the revolutions were later deformed into dictatorships -of party in Mexico, of individual in Cuba.2 Caught up in the midst of these soul-shaking metamorphoses, filmmakers have reflected critically on the legitimizing myths of the New Orders, as well as participated enthusiastically in their construction. The revolution itself is the founding legend, the keystone chronicle of these cultures; it is history in the simplest sense of the word, for the films are reconstructions of times past. I want to examine how some of the best directors of the better films in Mexico and Cuba have portrayed the revolutions in their countries, as well as interrogate their use of history in constructing concepts of nation and identity.

Author Biography

John Mraz, Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (México)

JOHN MRAZ is Research Professor of the Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (México). He was recently Guest Editor of an issue on "Visual Culture in Latin America" for Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe (Tel Aviv University, 1998). Correspondence: John Mraz, Madrofto 23, Xotepingo, CoyoacAn, C.P. 04610, México DF, MEXICO. Email:



