Restoration “Four American Films, Reincarnated”


  • Robert J. Cardullo University of Michigan



film restoration & preservation, American cinema, A Streetcar Named Desire, Touch of Evil, Natural Born Killers, The Hired Hand, Elia Kazan, Orson Welles, Oliver Stone, Peter Fonda


In recent decades, some older films have been reconstituted in what was, or ought to have been, their original form. This essay discusses four such restorations—American ones—made over a ten-year period (1993-2002): Elia Kazan’s A Streetcar Named Desire, Orson Welles’s Touch of Evil, Oliver Stone’s Natural Born Killers, and Peter Fonda’s The Hired Hand.

Author Biography

Robert J. Cardullo, University of Michigan

The author of many essays and articles over the years, R. J. CARDULLO has had his work appear in such journals as the Yale Review, Film Quarterly, Modern Drama, and Cinema Journal. For twenty years, from 1987 to 2007, he was the regular film critic for the Hudson Review in New York. Cardullo is the author or editor of a number of books, including Theater of the Avant-Garde, 1890-1950, Playing to the Camera: Film Actors Discuss Their Craft, Soundings on Cinema: Speaking to Film and Film Artists, and In Search of Cinema: Writings on International Film Art. He is also the chief American translator of the film criticism of the Frenchman André Bazin, with several volumes to his credit, among them Bazin at Work: Major Essays and Reviews from the ’40s and ’50s and André Bazin and Italian Neorealism.
Cardullo’s own film and drama criticism has been translated into the following languages: Russian, German, Chinese, Turkish, Spanish, Korean, and Romanian. He earned his master’s and doctoral degrees from Yale University, another master’s degree from Tulane, and a B.A. from the University of Florida. Cardullo taught for four decades at the University of Michigan, Colgate, and New York University, as well as in Finland, Turkey, and Kurdistan.




