Análisis de los procesos de deshumanización dentro del totalitarismo nazi: El erotismo en El fotógrafo de Mauthausen (Mar Targarona, 2018)
Nazi totalitarianism undertook a violent process of social reconfiguration that deeply marked European and German societies throughout the 20th century. The elimination of an entire heterogeneous social group that was conceived as "the other", the internal enemy that posed an obstacle in the regime's racial plans, was produced through the dehumanization to which all detainees were subjected to in the concentration camps. Mar Targarona, through El fotógrafo de Mauthausen (2018), shows the course of this program, in which the erotic element has a prominent importance. Through it, we are shown the animalization procedure to which the detainees were subjected. The communism of Francesc Boix, protagonist of this work, makes him an important enemy for totalitarian rule. Therefore, its objective will not only be to deprive him of freedom, as well as to subject him to all kinds of physical torture. Targarona shows us, thanks to the dialogues and the treatment of the image he uses, how they affected erotic desire, using it as one more tool in the subjugation of prisoners. Trying to turn them into mere puppets without aspirations or longings.