Coping Strategies: Three Decades of Vietnam War in Hollywood


  • Eusebio V.; Esther Llácer; Enjuto


The Vietnam War represents a crucial moment in U.S. contemporary history and has given rise to the conflict which has so intensively motivated the American film industry. Although some Vietnam movies were produced during the conflict, this article will concentrate on the ones filmed once the war was over. It has been since the end of the war that the subject has become one of Hollywood's best-sellers. Apocalypse Now, The Return, The Deer Hunter, Rambo or Platoon are some of the titles that have created so much controversy as well as related essays. This renaissance has risen along with both the electoral success of the conservative party, in the late seventies, and a change of attitude in American society toward the recently ended conflict.

Biografía del autor/a

Eusebio V.; Esther Llácer; Enjuto

EUSEBIO V. LLÁCER LLORCA moved to West Virginia University in 1988, where he worked in his MA in Comparative Literature and completed his Master's Thesis on Translation and North American Literature. In 1990, he returned to the University of Valencia, where he had received his Licenciatura in Anglo-Germanic Philology in 1986, and started teaching English for Specific purposes at the Pharmacy School. In February 1995, he completed his Ph.D. about the Translation of Terror in Literature (especially the American author, Edgar A. Poe). Nowadays, he lectures a graduate seminar on the Fantastic Short Story. He has recently published a book on translation theory and has also other publications on North American, Spanish and Latin American Literature, Linguistics (particularly in Pragmatics and EST) and Translation.

ESTHER ENJUTO CASTELLANOS received the Licenciatura in History of Art in 1986. She then moved to West Virginia University where worked in MA in Foreign Languages & Literatures, while she taught each semester two sections of intermediate and advanced Spanish for American university students. When she returned to Spain, took the coursework for her Ph. Do degree in the Universities of Valladolid and Valencia. Nowadays, is working in her dissertation thesis on the Valencian painter Ramon Stolz Viciano (1903--1958) and has published several articles on History of Art, and she works at the University of Valencia.



