Evaluation of the application of Forum Theater in the classroom as a learning tool in the Degree in Social Work
Social Work, higher education, theatre forum, teaching innnovation, experiential learningAbstract
The present study aims to know the visions of Social Work university students about their experience, emotions experienced and learning achieved, after the application of the Forum Theatre tool in the classroom during the course 2017-2018 in the University of La Rioja. This technique has been used for the pedagogical purpose of learning to solve a conflict situation that can be found in the professional practice of Social Work, from a theatricalized (fourth-year students) scene and through the contributions of the forum (second-year students). This dynamic has an additional innovation, due to the creation and interpretation of the case has been carried out by the fourth degree of Social Work classmates. This aspect gives an intergroup character, which enriches the vision of the content to be treated, as well as the subsequent collaboration between classmates from different academic courses. The Forum Theatre fosters active learning, promotes cooperative work and serves to understand the magnitude of the diverse social realities to which we try to respond from Social Work. Some of the most interesting discovers are the importance of emotions in the classroom, intergroup work as a learning resource, and horizontal relationships creates an adequate work environment for the development of motivation and creativity.
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