Covid-19 and gender-based violence.

A study of the Spanish government’s public policy measures during the great confinement.




gender violence, Covid-19, pandemic, early prevention


The crisis and national emergency situation that has generated the pandemic by the SARS-CoV-2 virus that generates the Covid-19 disease, has caused among a great variety of consequences at the political, econòmic and social level that the situation of violence in gender against women has been exposed. A review of measures to contain gender violence, early detection tools and an analysis of the gender impact of this problem during the Covid-19 pandemic is a need that has emerged during this current period of crisis. This study has been carried out during the first months of confinement through a systematic bibliographic review of primary and secondary sources, analyzing the most relevant containment responses and an analysis of the impact that the pandemic causes on the family and work situation of the woman. The initial results suggest that this health crisis will have serious consequences for women in terms of increasing social and employment inequalities, a higher rate of contagion of the disease by occupying feminized employment niches associated with the health and care sector, and in terms of gender violence, confinement with the aggressor is a determining factor in the production of this type of violence against women and their children.

Author Biography

Ascensión Rodríguez Fernández, Universidad Almería

Profesora área Trabajo social y servicios sociales


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Fernández, A. (2022). Covid-19 and gender-based violence.: A study of the Spanish government’s public policy measures during the great confinement. Itinerarios De Trabajo Social, (2), 7–15.


