The scientificity of Social Work.
An analysis of scientific production and dissemination in Mexican journals.
scientificity, production, dissemination, Social WorkAbstract
This work aims to analyze the scientificity of Social Work. The themes and the theoretical-methodological approaches of the scientific production that is disclosed in Mexican Social Work journals are described. Also, characterize the authors who publish in them. The analysis is framed in the theoretical approaches that show the evolution of social work and the inherent debate between theory and practice. It is a mixed study, with a sequential design in stages. Three Mexican Social Work journals were analyzed. In addition, a semi-structured interview was administered to seven experts: two presidents of research associations, three journal editors and two heads of networks in the same discipline. The results reveal that the published articles tend towards the study of social problems, the use of the hermeneutical approach and a qualitative approach. In these magazines, more professionals from other areas publish than social workers, and only from Ibero-American universities. It is concluded that social workers need to assume a culture for scientific production.
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