Participatory Action Research

An experience with youth with intellectual disabilities and their families




participatory research, people with intellectual disabilites, autonomy, overprotection and family


This study describes the intervention through a participatory action research process with a group of young people with intellectual disabilities and their families in the context of an occupational training program at the University of Jaén. The main objective of the research is to explore issues related to the overprotection-autonomy continuum from the perspective of the participants. Through the use of group and / or artistic activities, discussion was promoted to reach to a definition of the terminology and its implications in daily life. The research process assumed that parents and children worked separately but simultaneously, with the aim of creating opportunities to improve mutual understanding through continuous reflection. The main thematic axes identified by the participants with intellectual disabilities were: freedom, parent ́s trust, autonomy, free choice of clothes and independence. In turn, the families identified as dimensions to work: preparation to face new circumstances, overprotection, sexuality, consumption and difficulties in achieving life goals. The participants were able to express their opinions freely, safely and in a diverse way. The participatory process allowed a constructive dialogue about topics considered taboo, such as sexuality and independent living.

Author Biographies

Linda Vanina Ducca Cisneros, Universidad de Comillas

Investigadora Pre Doctoral en Formación (Programa FPU Ministerio de Educación)

Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales 

Facultad de Trabajo Social



David González Casas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Investigador pos doctoral

Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales

Facultad de Trabajo Social


Javier Cortés Moreno, Universidad de Jaén

PDI/ Director del Programa UniverDi
Departamento de Psicología
Área de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales

Universidad de Jaén


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How to Cite

Ducca Cisneros, L. V., González Casas, D., & Cortés Moreno, J. (2022). Participatory Action Research: An experience with youth with intellectual disabilities and their families. Itinerarios De Trabajo Social, (2), 45–56.


