Volunteering and social action in Lleida.
The work of the Volunteer Points.
Associationism and volunteering, Volunteering Points, Social Policies, Public-private coordinationAbstract
This article reflects on the resource called Volunteer Point (PV), which accompanies guides and strengthens the work of Third Sector Social Action Organizations (TSAS). We aim to offer arguments to ponder on the role of social volunteering in our community, and on the challenges that arise and must be faced by Public Administration, which must cater for this reality. Conclusions are based on interviews conducted with the professionals who manage the 5 volunteer points that are currently present in the province of Lleida. The results obtained in the interviews are seen in relation to the demands collected in the latest report “El Panoràmic” from 2019, which shows the reality of the TSAS in Catalonia and presents the needs prioritized by the sector for its development.
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