“At the begining I thought that the problem was me”.

Autoethnographic narrations from racialized professionals who work on social intervention.





racialized professionals, social intervention, power relations, stigma


The fact that racialized people do access the skill labor market, continues to be anecdotical. Very few people have been able to overcome all the bureaucracy trammels and social stigma to obtain a job position. Not to mention to find one within institutions that are public or from the third sector and that acknowledge their vocational training and academic preparation. In this article we analyze some of the aspects that characterize de relationship established between the native professionals and racialized people which occurs in the workspace. The methodological approach implemented is focused on autoethnography and an autobiographical account since we start from the experiences of the authors themselves, in order to seek for visibility and put in debate what has been live but silenced until now. The results show how the social interventions made by racialized professionals are constantly reduced to their origin and their supposed culture, in order to resolve only situations that are not in the range of the native professionals. The background of racialized people is underestimated and instrumentalized during social intervention. Consequently, the workspace becomes an insecure environment, full of suspicious looks, troubling the presence and ignoring the racialized professionals skills and capabilities.


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How to Cite

El Jebary Amisaou, C., & El Mouali Samadi, F. (2022). “At the begining I thought that the problem was me”. : Autoethnographic narrations from racialized professionals who work on social intervention. Itinerarios De Trabajo Social, (2), 87–94. https://doi.org/10.1344/its.i2.36870


