Research-intervention in Social Work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A recovery of professional micro-performance.




Social Work in the face of COVID-19, research in pandemic, intervention in pandemic, intervention in emergent situations


The COVID-19 pandemic meant, among others, the need to confine large sectors of the population, thereby causing significant changes in the way of daily life known until then by making the existing social problems more complex and exacerbating. In this context, the different sciences and disciplines had to turn around in the ways of approaching reality, in order to adapt to the new circumstances and be able to generate alternatives for their intervention. This text intends to give an account of some modifications that Social Work experienced both in its professional practice and in the academic training of its professionals, through reflecting on various research-intervention experiences that were recovered with the purpose of socializing them and to rethink what of what was learned in this historical moment, it would be advisable to retake not only for the immediate future, but also projecting the possibility that these types of scenarios are repeated and then, a series of tools are available to face it based on in the knowledge acquired. With that purpose, the text begins by identifying some characteristics of the current context that influenced the way of intervening, highlighting the need to problematize reality from the specific disciplinary point of view to later account for some modifications in the way of investigating-intervening in the contemporary social work.


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How to Cite

Ornelas Bernal, A. (2022). Research-intervention in Social Work during the COVID-19 pandemic.: A recovery of professional micro-performance. Itinerarios De Trabajo Social, (2), 69–78.


