Discrimination, violence, and social exclusion. An approach to the reality of people in a situation of homelessness and residential exclusion.
aporophobia, residential exclusion, homelessness, victimization, violenceAbstract
The aim of this study is to analyse the extent and experiences of discrimination and violence in the reality of homelessness and residential exclusion, considering different inequality dimensions (gender, origin, age, and residential situation).
The research is based on a mixed methodological design using a questionnaire survey and a semi-structured in-depth interview. On the one hand, the questionnaire was administered to a sample of 641 homeless people. On the other hand, 18 homeless people have participated in the interviews. The results show that almost half of the participants felt discriminated against and/or experienced victimisation due to homelessness and residential exclusion. These results confirm the high risk of aporophobia and violence among the participants. It is also concluded that there are specific realities and experiences within homelessness and residential exclusion that generate a greater vulnerability and risk of suffering violence and discrimination, as is the case of women and people affected by homelessness in the strict or literal sense (life on the street or in specific care centres).
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