Bibliographic review on Social Vulnerability and hospitalization processes: a view from Social Medical Work.




social vulnerability, adults, hospitalization, literature review, Social Work


In recent decades, much has been written about vulnerability and its correlates with Social Work in terms of planning, prevention and citizen care in the health care setting. The purpose of this literature review is to describe the quantification of the items that make up the variable of social vulnerability in the processes of hospitalization of adults. Methodology: applying the keywords “social vulnerability”, “social determinants of health”, “adult population”, “items” and “scale”, 2369 articles were identified in different databases (Scopus, Web of Science, DialNet, Academic Search Ultimate, CINAHL, Psichodoc and PubMed). Results: 154 articles were considered relevant to our study, and through their analysis we quantified 33 items or factors related to social vulnerability in the hospitalization setting, the most prevalent being economic situation, educational level, access to health care, housing instability / situation and social support. Conclusion: Vulnerability is a dynamic and complex term that encompasses different social factors that impact on the process of hospitalization in adults and that must be considered in the practice of Social Work in the health care setting.


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How to Cite

Morro Fernández, L., Vicente Mochales, C., Pineda Perez, I., Guilanyá Casas, J., & Puig Cruells, C. (2023). Bibliographic review on Social Vulnerability and hospitalization processes: a view from Social Medical Work. Itinerarios De Trabajo Social, (3), 66–75.


