The angel-shaped weather vane that tops the Bofarull House: considerations about the sculpture
angel, Pallaresos, Bofarull, Jujol, weather vane.Abstract
Whether the traveller arrives from the north or the south, the first sight of the town of Els Pallaresos is the church steeple, followed, at the same height, by the profile of the angel-shaped weather vane that crowns the Bofarull House. This is an unusual image in the countryside, where church spires were always the highest structures protruding above the houses. The article aims to dissect the singular piece that crowns the house, designed by architect Josep M. Jujol, as part of the iconographic program of reform that does not neglect its relationship with the land, with the use of the figure, or with its image. The iconographic, technical, perceptual and formal analysis will allow us to understand, through the angel-shaped weather vane, the creative processes of its author, chronologically situated at the end of the Modernisme movement, but whose solutions escape the conventions of the time.
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