Front and back of materiality in digital art: reviewing the aesthetics of dematerialization
art digital, materialitat, desmaterialització, software art, art interactiu, art de la realitat virtual,
The creative potential of digital media has been explored by so-called Digital Art, promoting innovative experiences related to interaction, collective production, interconnection and, above all, the dominant role of code. The difficulty of assimilating these concepts to the values of traditional types of art has precipitated the development of an aesthetic of dematerialization within the realm of Digital Art. The aim of this paper is to review the technological foundations of these dematerialized experiences and, at the same time, to vindicate the role of materiality, often forgotten in the discourse on Digital Art. We take a close look at some specific cases that are representative of the different fields of Digital Art: software art, interactive art, virtual reality and
Keywords: digital art, materiality, dematerialization, software art, interactive art, virtual reality,
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