Iconology of voice: from <i>De voce et verbo</i> to <i>Traitez de la voix et des chants</i>


  • Laurence Wuidar FNS – Université de Genève




music theory, voice, identity, otherness, ethos theory, sign and signification, sound, rumor, language, Gregory of Nyssa, Augustine, Jean Scot, Mersenne


Iconology of voice is investigated through philosophical and theological texts. The treatises of Gregory of Nyssa’s Life of St. Macrina, Augustine’s De voce et verbo and Jean Scot’s Commentary on St. John are analyzed from a musicological point of view. Does voice — and thus sound without words — have any significance? Is sound without words the language and manifestation of psyche? Gregory offers a sonorous picture of the death of his sister in which music, silence, cries and screams are described. Augustine questions the difference between the fragility of sound and the eternity of the word a well as the incarnation of Logos in temporary sounds and voice as the interface between inner life and the external world. Jean Scot, philosophical heir to both Gregory and Augustine, proposes a profound speculation on voice, as the manifestation of otherness. John the Baptist is the voice of another, he, whose identity is to be the voice, is the incarnation of somebody else. This theological speculation finds an echo in Marin Mersenne’s philosophical and musical.


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