Hieronymus Cock: creator of «boschs» or copyist?





Hieronymus Bosch, Hieronymus Cock, original, painting, lost works, copies, engravings


Hieronymus Cock was one of the most successful printers of the sixteenth century. His press Aux quatre vents made a huge and heterogeneous production of prints that were distributed from Antwerp throughout Europe. Nobody denies the role played by their publication in the diffusion o Italian art of his time, of the glories of Roman Art, classical ornamentation, and so on.

His works have a professional ethic, emulating real works and always or almost always referring to the creator of the emulated prototype. However, it is today almost of unanimous opinion that the engravings presented as an invention of Hieronymus Bosch are simple creations that have nothing to do with Bosch, being made solely for commercial purposes. Detailed study, and comparing these with the work of followers of Bosch, and with inventories of Philip II or the work of du Hamel, among other things, shows another reality: probably these engravings refer to either lost works of Bosch or works that were taken to be his in the second half of the sixteenth century.

Author Biography

Marc Borrás Espinosa, Universitat de Barcelona.

licenciado en Historia del Arte por la Universitat de València, realizó el Màster Oficial Estudis Avançats en Història de l'Art en la Universitat de Barcelona y continua el doctorado en la misma institución. Destaca su investigación sobre el "tríptico de los Improperios" del Museu de Belles Arts de València, al que dedicó su TFM y sobre el que tiene una publicación (Archivo de arte valenciano nº96, 2015); a mediados de noviembre publicará un libro sobre dicho cuadro a cargo de la institución que lo alberga. También a sido ponente en el simposio "Bosch al País de l'Art" y en el Museu de Belles Arts de València (ambas 2016).


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La grilla meravellada: Bosch i l'època moderna