From Bosch to Joan Ponç: imaginary and genius




Bosch, Joan Ponç, grotesque, Dau al Set, Garden of Earthly Delights


The idea that modern art has a strong relationship with past periods is obvious. Hieronymus Bosch and Joan Ponç are two artists who are far removed from each other in time, but close if we talk about their art. Bosch is a world famous artist known for his outrageous characters and his irreverent scenes, considered nowadays one of the most important painters of all time. On the other hand, Joan Ponç, who died 40 years ago, is known as one of the most outstanding Spanish artists of the twentieth century. The connections and relations between these artists are obvious when we compare each to the other: they share an amazing imagination and a tortured soul, due to their human condition, and making the inside of the human being part of their art, becoming the most important ingredient. The similarities between them are astonishing. Bosch’s universe and Ponç’s universe came from the same place, a result of two artists who were able to create their paintings based on their personal conflicts.

Author Biography

Manel Garcia Clavero

Graduat en Història de l'Art per la Universitat Rovira i Virgili de Tarragona (2015) i acabant el Màster Oficial d'Estudis Avançats en Història de l'Art a la Universitat de Barcelona. Els meus camps d'interès són l'art català modern i contemporanI.


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CIRLOT, Lourdes, El grupo «Dau al Set», Madrid, Cátedra, 1986.

ENJUANES PUYOL, Sol, Joan Ponç: aproximació crítica al seu imaginari pictoric, tesi doctoral, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Departament d’Art i Musicologia, 2015.

GOMBRICH, Ernst, Historia del arte, Madrid, Debate, 1997.

Gouaches aus dem Jahr 1956 von Joan Ponç (catàleg d’exposició, Galerie Olaf Hudtwalcker, 1965), Frankfurt am Main, 1965.

HUIZINGA, Johan, El otoño de la Edad Media, Paris, Payot, 1932.

KORENY, Fritz, «Mendigos y lisiados, seguidor del Bosco», Pilar Silva Maroto (ed.), El Bosco (catàleg d’exposició, Museu del Prado, 2016), Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado, 2016, p. 280.

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La grilla experta: un món post-bosquià contemporani