The Fantastic World of Misericords, a repertory available to Bosch




Bosch, choir stalls, misericords, medieval iconography, marginal decoration


Monsters and terrible creatures are a significant component of the fame of Bosch. These creatures torment the holy hermits, like St Anthony and St Jerome, and inhabit the hells of the Final Judgements. However, a significant portion of these images existed previously in the medieval fantastic world, occupying peripheral areas of architecture, decorating the margins of manuscripts and giving prominence to the misericords of choir stalls. As in Bosch’s paintings, in all these cases, hybrid monsters, dragons and beasts half human and half animal proliferate. But the existence of such precedents is almost imperceptible to the eye of the current spectator. Bosch assimilates these images but the result of his painting is very different, probably because he gives absolute prominence to that which before had occupied only marginal space. The Misericords of choir stalls represent an extraordinary and little-known repertory of the painter from ’s-Hertogenbosch.


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Perseguint una grilla: antecedents per a Bosch