A mysterious element in some Flemish scenes of the adoration


  • Teresa Vicens Universitat de Barcelona




Flemish painting, Roger van der Weyden, iconography, Nativity, Epiphany, apocryphal gospels


The rich imagination of Hieronymus Bosch, which is seen today as enigmatic, often has as its starting point the stories, figures, beliefs, themes or recurrent interpretations taken from everyday life in medieval times. The intention of this article is to go over some of the representations of the adoration of Baby Jesus by the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph, the shepherds and the three kings. These representations by Flemish painters of the fifteenth century show details which are mostly not very colourful, but once they have been discovered, the spectator wonders if there is not an underlying meaning in them, and, if so, what it is. In some cases, it seems that the old apocryphal stories in vogue in the Middle Ages provide some possible answers.


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Perseguint una grilla: antecedents per a Bosch