Bosch: the creative process behind his painting


  • Carmen Garrido Museo del Prado



Bosch, techniques, creative process, infrared reflectography, underdrawing, X-ray, material analysis, supports, painting process


The significance of the collection of paintings by Bosch held in the Museo del Prado, most of them acquired by King Philip II, is widely known. Technical study of the three triptychs, The Adoration of the Magi, The Haywain and The Garden of Earthly Delights, as well as that of The Table of the Seven Deadly Sins and other smaller works, gives us some insight into Bosch’s creative process, from the supports used and the under-drawings to the successive layers of colour applied by the artist. With this information it is possible to distinguish his original works from those completed by his studio and protégées.


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La grilla meravellada: Bosch i l'època moderna