Scopophilia. The crisis of ocularcentrism in the cinema


  • Miren Uharte Huertas



cinema, scopic regime, ocularcentrism, scopophilia, voyeurism.


From the crack of the cornea in Un chien andalou - an explicit attempt against the so considered noblest sense - the cinema has been expressing in a punctual but persistent way a certain anxiety about the gaze, either in the form of a disappointment in front of an imperfect sense, unable to give us access to knowledge; an anguish before an authoritarian, panoptic or even murderous eye, or a nostalgia for an innocent gaze long lost. This paper aims to wonder if it would be possible to trace the shadow of the unease about the sense of sight, developed by Martin Jay in Downcast Eyes, in the cinematographic field; if there is a dismay in the cinema towards the dominant scopic regime, running parallel to literature and thought, or even a tendency towards the denigration of vision.


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