Music and poetry as expressions of the silence in the philosophy of Jankélévitch: The <i>je-ne-sais-quoi</i> of san Juan de la Cruz
Jankélévitch, San Juan de la Cruz, Mompou, Música callada, silence, ineffabilityAbstract
In these pages we present the bond between Music, Poetry and Silence expressed by Vladimir Jankélévitch within the framework of his Philosophy: the je-ne-sais-quoi and the presque-rien; a matter exemplified by the Música callada composed by Mompou and based on some verses of San Juan de la Cruz. So, as the Music, according to the philosopher, would give a voice to the unpro-nounceable, the lyric word of the Saint managed to express the ineffable mystic experience, thus setting the basis of the poetics of the silence of modernity.References
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