Fire rose garden: Rūmī, T. S. Eliot, J. L. Borges, C. Twombly, S. Gubaidulina




mystic rose, Rūmī, T. S. Eliot, Jorge Luis Borges, Cy Twombly, Sofiya Gubaidulina


From the painting of the American artist Cy Twombly titled Untitled (Roses) (2008, Museum Brandhorst, Munich), in whose surface the painter has written the last verses of the poem “Little Gidding” (Four Quartets), by T. S. Eliot, a famous poem that concludes with the verse “And the fire and the rose are one”, we analyse the presence of this symbolic image of the union of the flame and the rose from Persian Sufi poetry (Rūmī, Ḥāfiẓ) in the poetic work of Eliot himself and J. L.
Borges, both of them well versed in Persian literature. Also, the Russian composer of Tartar origin Sofiya Gubaidulina, in her “Hommage à T. S. Eliot” (1987) for octet and soprano, evokes this image of the mystical union of fire and rose with a purely spiritual sense. The purpose of this study is therefore to analyse the archaeology of a motif of oriental origin, that of the mystic union of the flame and the rose (Rūmī, Ḥāfiẓ, Ġālib), present in three fields of contemporary western creation: poetry (Eliot, Borges), painting (Twombly) and music (Gubaidulina).

Author Biography

Antoni Gonzalo Carbó, Universitat de Barcelona

Professor Titular de la Facultat de Belles Arts. Departament d'Arts Visuals i Disseny. Universitat de Barcelona.


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