Space, painting and music: Houston chapel, Rothko, Feldman and the total work of art in contemporary aesthetics




Rothko, Feldman, Rothko Chapel, abstraction, total work of art, contemporary aesthetics


This article traces the history of the Rothko Chapel in Houston, as a representative example of a total work of art in contemporary art. Taking into account the meaning of this concept, we study the genesis of the construction and the creation of Rothko’s paintings. At the same time, the singular moment in which the chapel is fully converted into a total work of art is analyzed, when, for the first time, the piece with the same title, Rothko Chapel, composed by Morton Feldman is performed here as a tribute to his friend the missing Rothko at the request of the promoters of the chapel, De Menils. The piece ends with the current testimony of the place as a living point of meeting between the work of art in itself, and the vital, spiritual and aesthetic experience of the visitors who come to it today.


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