The pictoral image and the musical image (J.-A. Watteau - C. Debussy), a case of artistic intertextuality in terms of semiotic conduct and retoric




intertextuality, literariness, artistic image, artistic semiosis, transcodification


Acces to knowledge of any artistic manifestation implies not only the artistic image it proyects, but also the processes that allow us to interpret and interact with it. In relation to this fact, the perception of an artistic way of doing, as well as the understanding of its discourse, leads us to situate this knowledge in the expression and communication of its content, implying its artistic, semiotic and retorical conduct. This fact becomes complex when we are faced with an artistic activity whose
reference is a different one, being a source of creation and significance for the other. This is the case between the pictorial image Embarquement pour Cythère and the musical image inspirated by L’Isle Joyeuse, which we present as a case of artistic intertextuality from the confrontation of the action of their languages.

Author Biography

Blanca Lage Sopena, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Doctoranda de Estudios artísticos, literarios y de la cultura. Departamento de Música.


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