Viral Devices: Questioning the relationship between body and space starting from artistic speculation




technical hybridization, connected bodies, connected spaces, hyperconnected, proxemics, onlife, hybrid-subjectivities, online-offline spheres, devices, viral, pandemic


Viral Devices: Questioning the relationship between body and space starting from artistic speculation describes the artistic research process Viral Devices in which the concept of connected bodies and spaces, and the creation of experimental individual and collective spaces come into play with the aim of establishing a collection of situated memories about the possible changes in subjectivities and relationships resulting from the Covid-19 crisis and the increasing merging of online and offline life. Through artistic projects and bibliographic research, we attended the focus of the artistic practice: the testing of several techno-affective devices designed for this project in the wake of the «probe objects» in order to observe, relate and open up new possible experiences in the face of a patent paradigm shift.


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