From tecnovivio to in-person scenic experience: the findings from the cases of Artificial and Flores a quien corresponda
live arts, tecnovivio, convivio, co-presence, interactivity, mediated experience, creative processes, scenic eventAbstract
Based on the experiences of two Chilean theater collectives: Teatro del Terror, with its play Artificial (2021), and La disvariada, with its work Flores a quien corresponda (2021), the main findings that both groups made are analysed during the process of transit from their virtual creative works, in the context of the SARS-CoV2 pandemic, to the return to the rehearsal rooms and the in-person theatrical presentation of these works. The objective of the current reflection is the observation of possible resources and practices acquired during the processes of telematic creation which have possible applications and are potentially useful in the framework of the usage of onsite creative methodologies.
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