Manifold Spaces and Patterned Potentialities


  • Yota Passia
  • Panagiotis Roupas


Paraules clau:

Manifold; Design Patterns; City; Intensive variables; Dimensions; Apparatus.


The research aims at providing a new perspective and methodology to dynamic space setting as a mode articulation for intensity, transformation, and change pointing to more versatile, resilient, and ecological urban assemblages. The anticipation apparatus proposed for architecture and the city is a landscape of Alexandrian Design Patterns and intensive variables that simulates spatial contingencies and connects them with actual bodies as an extended mode of prediction and design. The city is represented as an N-dimensional manifold, a plane of variable dimensionality where its dimensions are used to represent its sociospatial becomings. At the same time, the manifold itself becomes the space of possible states that city can have, an apparatus that structures the city’s sociospatial potentialities and dynamically patterns its material reality.


Les dades de descàrrega encara no estan disponibles.


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