The journey of late diagnosis of autism from an autoethnographic, neuroqueer, affective and performative perspective


  • Tània Codina UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)


Palabras clave:

Autoetnografía; performance; neuroqueer; autismo; Teoría de los Afectos


En este artículo presento mi recorrido del diagnóstico tardío del autismo desde la autoetnografía con la video performance, los afectos y el concepto y práctica del “neuroqueering”. A partir de los Nuevos Materialismos Performativos, el paradigma de la neurodiversidad y los Critical Autism Studies, trato de responder a las narrativas culturales creadas por figuras autoritarias no autistas, generar un punto de vista diferente dentro de los Critical Autism Studies al correlacionar la experiencia autista con los afectos, y dar un paso adelante sobre cómo la experiencia autista es investigada, escrita y hablada culturalmente.


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Biografía del autor/a

Tània Codina, UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)

The author, who graduated in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona with a specialization in painting, continued her studies by pursuing a Master’s degree in Secondary Teacher Training and a Master’s degree in Visual Arts and Education. It was during the latter that she received her autism diagnosis, which sparked her interest in research topics linking autism with visual culture or Affect Theory. Currently, she works as a high school teacher of Visual and Plastic Arts and is pursuing a second degree in psychology to further her studies.


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