Reseña de Visual Participatory Arts Based Research in The City: Ontology, Aesthetics and Ethics

(Eds. Trafí-Prats, L. & Castro-Varela, A., 2022)




Esta reseña del libro Visual Participatory Arts Based Research In The City: Ontology, Aesthetics and Ethics, editado por Laura Trafí-Prats y Aurelio Castro-Varela, recoge contribuciones que continúan y se inscriben en la tradición de los estudios CTS urbanos y destaca las aportaciones más originales que trae consigo la investigación artística: fundamentalmente, el arte como medio y dispositivo de sensibilización de los cuerpos mediante experiencias estéticas que hacen tangibles los problemas urbanos contemporáneos; y el arte como acto creativo y afirmativo, de carácter experimental y especulativo, que ayuda a reimaginar la ciudad desde visiones subalternas e históricamente marginalizadas.


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Biografía del autor/a

Blanca Callén Moreu, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

PhD in Social Psychology (UAB, 2010). Associate lecturer on the Psychology degree at the UVIC-UCC and UAB, and member of the CareNet research group (UOC). She has been postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Science Studies (Lancaster University, 2012-2014). Working on the area of Social Studies of Science and Technology and collective political action, she has focused on material cultures and community responses to the ecosocial crisis. More recently, she has been doing research about (electronic) waste and cultures of repair in a context of climate crisis. She is also co-founder and member of Restarters BCN association.


Farías & Sánchez-Criado (forthcoming). Cities: stories of urban STS. Editorial: TBD.

Harney, S. & Moten, F. (2013). The undercommons: fugitive planning and black study. New York: Minor Compositions.

Latour, B. & Aït-Touati, F. (2019). Moving Earths. Conférence-performance.

Latour, B. & Weibel, P. (2002). Iconoclash beyond the image wars in science, religion and art. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Latour, B. & Weibel, P. (2005). Making things public. Atmosphere of Democracy. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Rancière, J. (2009). El reparto de lo sensible. Chile: LOM






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