A new Political Rationality based on Society-State Relations
Political Philosophy, Society, State, Politics, RationalityAbstract
Nowadays state-society relations are in crisis because citizens are not feeling identified with governments since acts of corruption and ineffective political actions around natural disasters such as the Covid-19 pandemic. This reality around the world leads us to think about new political rationality that could be inclusive, recognizing the differences and diversities of people. This article discusses literature review as a research methodology on the different meanings of state-society relations. Political rationality arises from an emerging political subject that, faces financial adversity, marginalization, and poverty as a common will. Based on the hermeneutics approach, a new concept of politics arises, as a political praxis whose keywords are organization, coexistence, and decision-making from our human condition as political beings. Thus, state-society relations will be redefined to thrive in new post-covid normalcy based on values such as justice, solidarity, respect, and resilience.
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