Rethink the Relationship Between Consensus and Dissent in the Face of the «Populist Moment». A Democratic Challenge




Democracy, Deliberative theory, Antagonism, Agonism, Populism


Democracies have been seen as the political systems that have best managed to combine a certain level of consensus on a given social order with a level of dissent that guarantees their own pluralism. In this article we will review the positions of some of the main democratic movements in relation to this complicated balance: from the classics postulates of liberals and republicans, to the antagonistic theories of the second half of XX century. This issue is currently facing a new challenge due to the emergence of the so-called «populist moment», and the possibility that the dissent associated with it may overflow the current democratic consensuses. As a result, we will look at the relationship between democracy and populism from post-structuralist approaches such as that of Benjamin Arditi, in an attempt to rethink the relationship between both, understanding populism as a diffuse periphery of democracy.


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How to Cite

Sierra Zapirain, G. (2022). Rethink the Relationship Between Consensus and Dissent in the Face of the «Populist Moment». A Democratic Challenge. OXIMORA International Journal of Ethics and Politics, (21), 79–100.


